Samuel W Meyer Wants Animal Torture To Stop

Samuel W Meyer’s view on Animal Torture

Animal Torture takes place in all parts of society. Exposed instances of offenses are just a small part according to Samuel W Meyer, who is credited with a trustworthy reputation. There are thousands of cases of abuse worldwide, remaining unlisted. The truth is that too many individuals carry out violent and nasty assaults on animals, both pets and stray animals. The majority of documented animals abused are dogs (70%), followed by cats (21%).Samuel_S_Meyer_animal_torture But according to S.W. Meyer, all sorts of animals are being ill-treated in different forms and he wants everybody to be aware of the indicators to be part in the fight against animal torture.

Samuel W Meyer’s tips to recognize Abuse

Inhumanity can take different styles: from unthought neglect due to lack of knowledge or financial resources all the way up to willful cruelty like dog fights. To identify wrongdoing, it is vital to look at both pets and their environment. But keep in mind that disturbing, nervous and tense behavior may happen for several reasons, and does not necessarily mean wrongdoing from a human. For example, a dog, treated for a health condition, may look sick at the beginning of their healing process. The symptoms below can help you find out if the animal you’ve watched may be enduring cruelty or negligence.

Appearance signals of wrongdoing:

▪ Limping or the inability to run or stand normally
▪ Severe physical weakness
▪ Heavy discharge from eyes or nose
▪ Observed beating or other clues of physical abuse
▪ Noticeable signs of confusion or excessive sleepiness
▪ Pets are noticeably emaciated
▪ Pets that appear aggressively to their owners or other individuals
▪ Neckband in the pet’s neck embedded so tight it is creating a wound
▪ Open wounds, signals of numerous restored injuries, or a chronic problem or health problem that isn’t treated
▪ Neglected skin problems that have caused a deficit of hair, scaly skin, bumps or rashes
▪ Flea, tick or another external fur attack
▪ Areas of bumpy, skin rashes
▪ Symptoms of insufficient grooming; matted fur, disordered nails, filthy coat

S.W. Meyer advises everyone to keep an eye on these indications. If you suspect animal torture, report this as soon as possible. Samuel concludes that courts and judges need to take charges more seriously and be a lot more rigorous on repeat offenders.

It is time we started taking animal abuse more seriously. If you are aware of any mistreated animals close to you but don’t know what to do, get in contact with S. Meyer through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+.

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